Administrative Services Division
We support DPS employees and provide services to Iowa citizens, law enforcement, and other criminal justice agencies.
ASD Visual Links
IOWA System
The IOWA Criminal Justice Information Network provides info and access to police, sheriff, state, & federal agencies.
Peace Officer Retirement (POR)
You are automatically a member of POR if you are a peace officer with the Department of Public Safety.
Private Investigation, Security, Bail Enforcement
Licensing of private investigation, private security & bail enforcement agencies & their employees doing business in IA.
The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program serves as the central repository for crime and arrest data in Iowa.
Weapon Permits
Permit to Acquire Pistols & Revolvers or Nonprofessional to Carry Weapons must be filed with your local county sheriff.
Weapon Permit Check
Search to see if an Iowa Weapon Permit is currently valid.
Public business hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday