Fire Service Training Bureau's 101st Fire School Call for Presentations

Fire Service Training Bureau's 101st Fire School Call for Presentations


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Our mission is to establish credibility in providing quality education, training, certification, and professional consultation to Iowa’s fire service and other emergency responders in a manner that reflects commitment, integrity, and contributes to the reduction of morbidity, mortality, and property loss from fire and other hazards.

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General Bureau Information

The Fire Service Training Bureau is designated by statute to be the State Fire Academy. We have been training Iowa’s firefighters and other emergency service responders since 1923. We are home to the second-longest continually running annual state fire school in the nation. 

The Bureau coordinates and instructs many basic and advanced level courses at our facility and also locally across the state in the subject matter areas of firefighting, hazardous materials, vehicle extrication, technical rescue, instructor development, officer development, fire prevention, traffic incident management (TIMS), and fire investigation. We also offer multiple National Fire Academy direct-delivery courses annually. 

We are accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) and the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (ProBoard®) and are authorized to issue the following certifications following completion of the respective training class and both written and practical skills examinations: Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Hazardous Materials Awareness, Hazardous Materials Operations, Driver/Operator Pumper, Driver/Operator Aerial, Fire and Emergency Services Instructor I, Fire and Emergency Services Instructor II, Fire Officer I, Fire Officer II, Fire Inspector I, and Fire Investigator.   

In addition to our facility having on-site training grounds to conduct live-fire training evolutions, we have multiple mobile training props that can be requested to be delivered for local community-based training. 

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FSTB Location


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FSTB Bookstore

bookstore letter


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Current List of Books & Editions Used for Certification & Testing

Current List of Books & Editions Used for Certification & Testing
Certification levelBook/EditionPublisher
Fire Fighter I and IIEssentials of Fire Fighting, 7th EditionIFSTA
Hazmat Awareness/OperationsHazardous Materials: Awareness and Operations 4th EditionJones & Bartlett
Driver Operator Pumper and AerialPumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd EditionIFSTA
Fire Officer I & IIFire Officer: Principles and Practice 4th EditionJones & Bartlett
Instructor I & IIFire and Emergency Services Instructor: Principles and Practice 3rd Edition Jones & Bartlett
Inspector IFire Inspection and Code Enforcement, 8th EditionIFSTA  
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Testing and Certification


The Accreditation/Certification Program is responsible for maintaining the Bureau’s accreditation status with the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) and the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (ProBoard®) accreditation requirements. This program schedules both written and practical examinations across the state and issues multiple nationally accredited fire service certifications that assist in demonstrating a candidate’s minimum level of competency in a particular area of training and confirming their training conforms to recognized national standards.

*Exam registrations will be closed approximately two weeks prior to the exam date or sooner if the location receives 24 registrations.

Written & Practical Skills Exams Schedule / Registration Form


Specific details on each certification level's requirements can be found in the below links to the Procedures Guides.

These guides also include the Local Documentation Forms which are required to complete the following levels:

HazMat Awareness & Operations | Fire Fighter I & II | Driver/Operator Pumper & Aerial

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Reciprocity Form

Reciprocity Request Form


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Field Programs

The Field Programs Unit of the Fire Service Training Bureau delivers hundreds of courses to Iowa Fire Departments each year. Participants choose course topics ranging from basic fire fighting skills to advanced fire strategies and tactics. Only qualified instructors teach these programs to assure the fire service receives the best instruction available.

TS 1 Payroll Form 

TS 1 Application Form


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Course Delivery

The majority of courses can be delivered directly to the requesting fire departments and regional fire schools through Mobile Training Units.

FSTB Scheduling Form

Course Evaluation Form 


Fire Attack Simulator
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Handling Liquified Propane Emergencies

Forcible Entry Trailer
Car Fire Prop
Vehicle Extrication Trailer


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Other Trailers and Simulators

Mobile Prop collage

The FSTB also offers a Mobile Training Tower, Confined Space Trailer, Rapid Intervention Team Trailer, and a Mobile Roof/Vertical Ventilation Simulator.  


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Advanced Level Courses

Instructor, Fire Officer, and Inspector

The Fire Service Training Bureau offers several advanced-level courses per year depending on requests by fire departments to host them. In the past, the Instructor, Fire Officer, and Inspector courses were funded through an NFA Grant, which allowed us to offer them free of charge. That grant is no longer available as a resource, so to offset the costs of these programs, we are asking that each participant be responsible for the cost of the manual.

For any questions about the courses, please contact Don Minks at or call 515.727.3424

Special Programs Request Form    

Fire Officer I, Newton Fire Dept. April 5, 6, 12, 13, 2025

Basic Fire Investigator May 5 – 16, 2025 Camp Dodge

*Access the links below to complete registration forms.

None scheduled at this time.  


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Traffic Incident Management (TIM)

PHONE: 515-727-3426

The FSTB is proud to sponsor Traffic Incident Management (TIM) training to bring fire, law enforcement, public works, and other roadway response partners together to understand each other’s role in a roadway emergency and to help keep said responders safe while performing their duties.

Traffic crashes happen every day on Iowa roadways. The men and women who respond to these crashes put their lives on the line every time that call comes in.

Whether you're a law enforcement officer, emergency medical technician, firefighter, tow truck operator, transportation worker, or any number of others who respond to crashes, making the crash scene safer and clearing the roadway as soon as possible is a priority to increase safety for all of us.

Traffic Incident Management is a four-hour training program developed to coordinate better the efforts of multi-discipline responders to work traffic incidents cooperatively, efficiently, and safely, thereby improving safety for all responders and everyone else on the road.

The Iowa Traffic Incident Management program is presented with multiple instructors from different disciplines and is intended for anyone who responds to an incident scene. The clear message for the program is that we're all in this together. All disciplines are there for the same reason, and each has different priorities and objectives. When all disciplines have an understanding of each other's goals and priorities, it's easier for everyone to be more efficient in their roles. That translates into less time on the road in a dangerous environment.

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National Fire Academy Courses

National Fire Academy two-day Direct Delivery courses and six-day Regional Delivery courses are also coordinated and provided through the Fire Service Training Bureau. The Fire Service Training Bureau schedules and facilitates these courses for the Iowa Fire Service. A portion of the course is usually held at the Annual State Fire School. Some are hosted as weekend activities at the Training Bureau, and some are offered to our Community College partners to be held in conjunction with their Regional Fire Schools, or as stand-alone activities.

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Firefighting Equipment Revolving Loan Fund

Firefighting Equipment Revolving Loan Fund Rules and Application 

The State Fire Service and Emergency Response Council recognizes the need to establish a minimum training standard that will provide a means to prevent occupational accidents, injuries, illnesses, and deaths. The intent of this Minimum Training Standard is not to restrict any fire department from exceeding this standard. The Minimum Training Standard, as adopted in the Iowa Administrative Code Section 661, Chapter 251.

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Iowa Fire Service and Emergency Response Council (IFSERC)

The Iowa Fire Service and Emergency Response Council (IFSERC) was created in 2000 via Iowa Code 100B.1.

The purpose of the Council is to advise and confer with the State Fire Marshal and Fire Service Training Bureau Chief on matters relating to fire protection services and training.

The Iowa Fire Service & Emergency Response Council serves to advise the State Fire Marshal and Fire Service Training Bureau Chief on issues concerning policies, fee schedules, minimum training standards, special grant applications, applications for the Fire Fighting Equipment Revolving Loan Fund, and hear testimony from the labor commissioner on inspections and investigations involving occupational safety and health standards for firefighters.

Each of the eleven members of this Council is appointed by the Iowa Governor, serve a four-year term, have gender, political, and geographic balance, and must represent the following organizations: Iowa Firefighters Association, Iowa Fire Chiefs Association, Iowa Association of Professional Firefighters, Iowa Association of Professional Fire Chiefs, Iowa Emergency Medical Services Association, and the general public.

IFSERC Meeting Minutes 3-14-2024

IFSERC Meeting Minutes 9-17-2024

IFSERC Meeting Minutes 12-17-2024

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Iowa Fire and EMS Organizations


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Fire Service Training Bureau History

List items for Fire Service Training Bureau History

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