Alcohol and other drug use affect the profitability of a company. It also impacts absence rates, tardiness, and productivity rates. Workman’s compensation claims increase and the climate of a workplace is affected.

Drug Use in the Workplace


of drug users are employed (Bureau of Labor Statistics)


more likely to file a workers' compensation claim (Employee Assistance Society of North America)


more likely than non-users to be late for work; users are absent 30-35 days per year (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)

Substances users are also: 

  • 33-50% less productive (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
  • Absent 30-35 days per year and 3x more likely than non-users to be late for work (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
  • 3 to 4x more likely to have an accident on the job (Employee Assistance Society of North America)

Additionally, a person's alcohol use affects other employees. Twenty-one percent of workers report being put in danger or injured, having to redo work or cover for another employee, or needing to work harder due to others’ drinking (JSI Research and Training Institute). 

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About the Program

Drug-free workplace education programs address substance abuse in the workplace. These programs assist employers in creating a healthier, safer environment for their employees. A variety of programs can assist employers in establishing drug-free workplace policies. They also provide education and training to employees and those in supervisory roles.

“Creating a Drug-Free Workplace” was developed by Iowans, for Iowans, in collaboration with human resource professionals, managers, and business owners in mind. The curriculum contains everything needed to implement a comprehensive program in both large and small businesses, including Employee Education and Supervisor Training modules.


The Creating a Drug-Free Workplace Education Program provides information and guidance as well as actual education and training modules for implementing a drug-free workplace program in companies of all sizes. Its “how-to” focus is geared to the company that has already recognized the need for a program and now wants specific ideas and strategies for implementing one in a cost-effective manner.

Program Design

The primary goal of the Creating a Drug-Free Workplace Education Program is to communicate information to a wide range of viewers that should create a strong and positive response to the creation and maintenance of a drug-free workplace. The educational program uses interactive courseware to deliver the materials to employers in Iowa, including:

  • facilitated training sessions augmented by video segments
  • case studies
  • testimonials
  • actions to use
  • reinforcing printed materials,
  • “what if” scenarios

Also provided are self-directed videos containing all of the material covered in the employee education and supervisor training modules which can be used at any time.

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Training Modules

There are two training modules: one for general employees and one for supervisors, or anyone in a leadership role. Provided with each module are all the facilitator notes, agendas, handouts, and other materials needed to complete the program.

Each module takes about three hours to complete, however, additional agendas have been provided to meet the needs of a business that only has one hour or 90 minutes set aside for training. This means that the facilitator doesn’t have to take extra time to develop an alternative agenda.

The two-hour agenda for the supervisor module meets the training requirement of Iowa Code Section 730.5.

Employee Module

The employee education module is designed to increase awareness of alcohol and other drug abuse and encourage employees to assist in maintaining a drug-free workplace. It includes information on who becomes an addict, drugs that are abused, signs and symptoms of substance abuse, and communicating concerns.

View each employee video below.

Employee Video 1 – Right here, Right now:

Employee Video 2 – The Truth about Substance Abuse:

Employee Video 3 – Essence of Misuse:

Employee Video 4 – Treatment Works:

Supervisor Module

The supervisor training is designed to ensure that those in leadership positions understand and can fulfill their role in creating and maintaining a drug-free workplace. The session includes an overview of a Four-Step Intervention Model, which includes documenting performance issues, identifying troubled employees, addressing concerns, and referring an employee to assistance.

It also includes time for a review of the company drug-free workplace/drug-testing policy.

View each supervisor video below.

Employee & Supervisor Video – Enabling Behaviors:

Supervisor Video – Addressing Concerns:

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Drug-Free Workplace Resources

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