Iowa has over 400 law enforcement locations and pharmacies with permanent collection boxes. Please check with the host organization for hours of operation. 

The Office of Drug Control Policy appreciates the support of our many partners. Together, we are working to prevent prescription drug misuse.

Prescription Take Back Events

Twice per year, the DEA hosts a take back event. For dates and locations, visit the DEA Take Back Day website.

Disposing of Medicines in the Trash

Though not the best option, if you have no other way to discard your old or unneeded medicine, you can put it in your trash. Follow these instructions:

  1. Follow instructions, and do not flush the medication unless told to do so.
  2. Remove medicine from original containers.
  3. Mix with used coffee grounds, dirt, or kitty litter. 
  4. Place mixture of medicine and substance in a sealed bag that prevents leakage.
  5. Place in the trash for regular collection.

Ask Your Pharmacist

Some Iowa pharmacies offer customers a postage-paid mail-back pouch. Ask your pharmacist for details.

When in doubt about the proper disposal of your medicines, ask your pharmacist.