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Support Operations staff provide administrative support for the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation. Staff collect, maintain, and provide information to law enforcement and the general public.
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The Automated Biometric Identification System/Fingerprint Unit processes all criminal and applicant fingerprint cards in the State of Iowa. As of December 2023, there are 82 Live Scan and 29 Card Scan machines throughout the state. These machines are used to take and submit fingerprints electronically to the Division of Criminal Investigation.
Back to topAdministrative Support & Transcription
Administrative Support provides the following services for the Division of Criminal Investigation:
- Clerical
- Inventory
- Budgeting
- Purchasing
- Logistics
The Transcription Section transcribes dictation from criminal and non-criminal investigations. The dictation is received on various types of media, such as CDs and DVDs, that are submitted by DCI Special Agents. DCI Headquarters maintains transcribed cases that date back as far as 1939.
Back to topRecords & Identification
The Records and Identification Unit is the central repository for all Iowa criminal history records. This unit tracks and maintains all criminal history record information in Iowa.
This information is used in a variety of critical areas, including sentencing determination, parole and probation recommendations, issuance of weapon permits, and decisions by prosecutors. Non-criminal justice agencies can access criminal history record information by requesting a background check.
All criminal history records in Iowa begin with a fingerprint card. If fingerprints are not taken and submitted, there will no criminal history record on file for that arrest.
The Records and Identification Unit includes three Criminal History Auditors. These auditors conduct quality assurance reviews and provide training throughout Iowa. Training is provided for law enforcement agencies, county attorneys, and clerks of court. This training is designed to ensure criminal history information is handled in accordance with the Code of Iowa.
Back to topDissemination
The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation is the central repository for criminal history record data for the State of Iowa. The Criminal History Record Dissemination Unit was created in 1996. The unit provides Iowa criminal history record information to the public. The unit also provides criminal history information to various entities, including:
- Businesses
- Daycares
- Healthcare Facilities
- Law Enforcement
The Criminal History Record Dissemination Unit also facilitates the process for organizations to request fingerprint-based national criminal history record information through the Federal Bureau of Investigation/ Criminal Justice Information Services Division (FBI/CJIS).
Back to topIowa Sex Offender Registry

The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation Sex Offender Registry was established in July of 1995. It is the central repository for Iowa Sex Offender registration records.
Registry staff process, review, and maintain registration records for all active sex offenders in Iowa. Registry staff provide assistance to Iowa law enforcement agencies investigating non-compliant sex offenders.
The Sex Offender Registry maintains a public website. This site serves as a resource to protect and inform the public with up-to-date information on sex offenders in Iowa communities.
Iowa Sex Offender Registry Website
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