The Iowa State Patrol established a Chaplain Program on September 17, 1984, under the leadership of Colonel Frank Metzger. At that time, there were 23 chaplains who volunteered state-wide from various religious denominations.

Friendship and Spiritual Help

The purpose of the Chaplain Program is to offer friendship, support, and spiritual help to Troopers and Iowa DPS employees. The law enforcement Chaplain is a clergy person with special interest and training for providing pastoral care in the high-powered and dangerous world of law enforcement. This pastoral care is offered to all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, creed, or religion. It is offered without cost or the hint of proselytizing. The place of the Chaplain is to help, support, listen, work with, and guide those who face dangerous and difficult situations.

Volunteer Support In Times of Need

These men and women are not sworn peace officers and volunteer their services to the Patrol. Chaplains are requested to participate in ride-alongs to get to know Troopers and better understand their duties. Chaplains are called upon to assist with death notifications, hospital visitations of active and retired members, counseling with officers and family members, and instruction at the Department of Public Safety Academy.

The program currently has 33 Chaplains serving the Patrol throughout the state.