Iowa Drug Policy Advisory Council Meeting Media Advisory
1:00 – 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 12, 2023

In-Person: Pape State Office Building, First Floor Conference Room
215 E. 7th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Virtual Option: Click here to join the meeting
Call In: 319-423-3673
Phone Conference ID: 220 051 172#

1:00           Welcome and Introductions β€“ Dale Woolery

                   Minutes (06-06-23) β€“ Dale Woolery

                   Update: State Alignment, Boards/Commissions and Rules– Dale Woolery

                   Consumable Hemp β€“ Owen Parker

                   Evolving Drug Challenges β€“ Dale Woolery

                   Iowa Drug Control Strategy β€“ Susie Sher

                   Other Council Business, and Public Comment β€“ Councilmembers

3:30           Adjourn
                   Upcoming DPAC Meeting: TBD

For those who wish to submit public comment, please send an email to expressing your interest by 12pm on the day of each meeting. You may join the meeting via the link above. Each individual expressing interest in participating will be called upon to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting. You may also submit your comments in writing to

All Iowa Drug Policy Advisory Council meetings are accessible to everyone.  The platform used for these meetings offers closed captions. If you have special needs that may require other reasonable accommodations for meeting participation, please call Relay Iowa at 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2942 (TTY).  For more information on Relay Iowa Services, please visit their website at: Hamilton Relay.