November 14, 2024

DES MOINES, Iowa — The Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) is teaming up with law enforcement agencies across Iowa to promote road safety during the Thanksgiving holiday season. Drivers can expect to see increased police presence on Iowa roads through December 1, 2024.
As families travel near and far to celebrate, GTSB urges everyone to remember: Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time. Seat belts are not only the law, they are also your best defense against serious injury or death in a crash. Last year, during Thanksgiving week (November 19-26, 2023), 34 people died or suffered severe injuries on Iowa roads—tragically, 40% were not properly restrained. This heartbreak may have been prevented with the simple click of a seat belt.
“The Thanksgiving holiday marks the beginning of a cherished season for many,” says Marigrace Porcelli, GTSB Occupant Protection Program Coordinator. “Whether your journey is short or long, it’s essential all drivers and passengers buckle up—Every Trip, Every Time. Ensure every passenger in your vehicle is secured, including children.”
Additionally, GTSB reminds everyone that Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving and to plan for a sober driver before heading out.
GTSB collaborates with city, county, state, and local organizations to create and implement strategies aimed at reducing fatalities and injuries on Iowa roads through federally funded grants.
For more tips on safe travel this Thanksgiving, visit Drive Smart Iowa. Be safe and enjoy your holiday!
Source: Iowa DOT Crash Analysis Tool
The Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the largest law enforcement agency in the state. It includes seven divisions and several bureaus, all working together with local, state, and federal government agencies and the private sector to keep Iowa a safe place by following our core values: leadership, integrity, professionalism, courtesy, service, and protection. Divisions within the Iowa DPS: Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, Iowa Division of Narcotics Enforcement, Iowa State Patrol, Iowa State Fire Marshal Division, Iowa Division of Intelligence and Fusion Center, Professional Development and Support Services Division, and Administrative Services Division. The Department of Public Safety is led by the Commissioner who is appointed by the Governor.
Iowa Department of Public Safety
215 E. 7th St.
Des Moines, IA 50319
215 E 7th St
Des Moines, IA 50319