General Permit and Firearm - Frequently Asked Questions
No. Effective July 1, 2021, a permit will no longer be required to purchase handguns in the State of Iowa. It is possible that a FFL may choose to require a permit in order to complete the sale, but it will not be a state requirement.
No. Effective July 1, 2021, a permit to carry is not be required in order to carry handguns in the State of Iowa as long as the individual is not otherwise prohibited by state or federal law from carrying or possessing a firearm and abides by all other provisions in the new law. You may still consider a carry permit in order to prevent legal issues associated with a person coming within 1,000 feet of the grounds of a public, parochial, or private school without a state issued permit in violation of the Gun Free School Zones Act, 18 USC § 921(a)(25), and 18 USC § 922(q)(2).
A person who is unsure if they are eligible to possess a firearm should seek legal advice from an attorney. They may also choose to complete the application process for a permit to acquire or a permit to carry through their local sheriff’s office. The issuance of either one of these permits would indicate a person can lawfully possess or carry a firearm in the State of Iowa. You may also complete the “Carry Eligibility Quiz” located on the DPS website to assist in determining permit eligibility.
No. After July 1, 2021, a person will not be required to see a permit when selling a firearm to another private person. However, a person commits a Class D Felony if they transfer a firearm to someone they know or reasonably should know is prohibited from possessing a firearm. If you are unsure of a person’s eligibility to possess a firearm, you may choose to require the recipient to produce a state-issued permit prior to any transfer.
Each state has its own laws regarding the ability to carry weapons in their state. We encourage people to contact the state(s) where they will be traveling and become familiar with that state’s respective weapon laws. An Iowa permit to carry may suffice in states that currently allow permit reciprocity.
A person needs to be at least 21 years old in order to acquire a handgun or obtain a Nonprofessional Permit to Carry Weapons in Iowa. There are certain exemptions for a person who is 18, 19, or 20 years old and in possession of a Professional Permit to Carry Weapons while working in an occupation that requires the carrying of a firearm.
Under Iowa law, the Nonprofessional Permit to Carry Weapons is issued to residents of Iowa by the Sheriff of the applicant’s county of residence. Several Iowa Sheriff’s Office are using an online version of the application form. An applicant should check with the Sheriff’s Office of the applicant’s county of residence to obtain details about the application procedure, including hours of operation, office location, and forms of payment accepted.
For many years, the minimum age for supervised possession of a handgun by a minor had been 14. More recent law eliminates the minimum age provision, and explicitly states that the required supervision must be direct supervision, and the person who is supervising possession of a handgun by a minor must not be intoxicated or impaired by alcohol or drugs. Please note that ranges may have age requirements for use of their respective facilities.
Yes. A person who wishes to obtain a duplicate permit can do so by contacting the Sheriff’s Office in their county of residence and paying a fee set by law at $25.
Iowa DPS recommends that a permit holder notify the Sheriff’s Office in their new county of residence by applying for a duplicate permit when moving between counties. While there is no statutory requirement to obtain a “duplicate” permit when you change counties, you may want to note that when attempting to purchase a firearm, there are federal firearms licensed dealers that may not accept the permit unless it matches the county listed on your Driver’s License or State I.D.
No. Iowa nonprofessional permits to carry weapons will only be issued to qualified Iowa residents. Nonresidents will still be able to apply for professional permits to carry weapons if needed for employment related reasons.
In the State of Iowa, a valid permit to carry weapons may be used to acquire a pistol or revolver without the need to also obtain a Permit to Acquire Pistols and Revolvers.
There is a 60 day renewal window during which time a person may renew their permit. A person wishing to renew a Permit to Carry Weapons must apply within 30 days before the permit expires, or within 30 days after the permit expires. Any permits falling outside of the previously mentioned window must be charged the higher “new” permit fee. Please note that while a permit can be renewed within 30 days after it expires, a person whose permit has expired should not go armed in a fashion that requires a permit until a person has renewed their permit.
Iowa allows for training courses to be taken online. Iowa Code 724.9 regulates the requirements for “training.” Prior to paying and taking the course, the Iowa DPS would suggest ensuring that the course you are taking, provides you with a certificate that fits the requirements under the 724.9. The Iowa Department of Public Safety does not have the ability to suggest one course over another, nor do we have the authority to maintain a list of qualified instructors.
No. A person who holds (or held) a permit issued on or after January 1, 2011, is not required to complete another training course to renew or obtain a new permit to carry weapons. Please note that even though re‐training is not required, completing another training course or taking other steps to learn about law changes could be highly beneficial to a person who intends to go armed.
Iowa has by statute (724.11A), “Universal Recognition” for people who are not residents of the State of Iowa, but have a valid permit issued to them through a different state. A person that benefits from this code section would be treated as though they have a valid permit issued by the State of Iowa (For carry purposes)
Iowa does not maintain a list of states that honor Iowa’s permit. A permit holder would have to reach out directly to the State that they are traveling through to establish whether or not the said state would honor a valid permit issued by the State of Iowa.
The Iowa Department of Public Safety acts a secure gateway for the printing of uniform weapons permits for the 99 Sheriff’s Office in the State of Iowa. Once the permit is approved and uploaded securely to the print contractor, the permit is printed and mailed within the same week. If you have further questions associated to the status of your weapons permit application you will need to direct your inquiry to the agency where you applied.

Educator Permit to Carry Weapons - Frequently Asked Questions
Any school employee, regardless of position, may obtain an educator permit to carry and carry in the school, with the school’s/district’s approval and when all training requirements have been met.
No. Your educator permit to carry is only valid for carrying in the school that you are employed and that has approved you to carry.
No. Your educator permit to carry is only valid for carrying in the school that you are employed and that has approved you to carry.
A permit that has been suspended or revoked will require submission of a new application. Proof of prior training may be accepted when it is an approved curriculum and when it falls within the required timeframe for the particular training type.
It will be up to the school and/the school employee to determine financial arrangements for training, equipment and ammunition associated with the educator permit to carry.
A permit will be suspended for carrying immediately upon the expiration of any required training. The applicant will have 30 days following the suspension to submit training documentation for reinstatement. The permit will be revoked when required training is more than 30 days past due.
While there is no requirement for a specific make or model of firearm that may be carried in conjunction with an educator permit to carry, the type of firearm must be a handgun (pistol or revolver). The individual school or district may designate other policy requirement associated with school carry. In addition, you must carry the same firearm used to successfully complete your range qualification.
You may obtain an Educator Professional Permit to Carry Application on the DPS website, along with additional information on training and training requirements. The completed application, application materials, and training documentation must be submitted to the Iowa Department of Public Safety.
School carry must be approved by the chief governing body of the school or school district. This may be the school board, superintendent, school president, or other chief administrator.
An individual school or district may implement specific policy requirements associated with approved school carry.
An individual school or district may implement specific policy requirements associated with approved school carry.
215 E 7th St
Des Moines, IA 50319