To serve the people of Iowa by providing public safety services with leadership, integrity, and professionalism.
For Iowa to continue to be a safe and prosperous place to live and visit.
DPS has a history of dedication and service to the citizens of Iowa and those who visit our state. Since it was first established in 1939, DPS has been the premiere law enforcement agency in the state of Iowa. DPS is headquartered in Des Moines in the Oran Pape State Office Building and has a statewide presence.
We have four constant goals:
- Reduce preventable injuries and deaths
- Suppress criminal activity
- Reduce the costs of compliance with government requirements
- Promote integrity and excellence in the workforce
The Iowa Department of Public Safety is under the leadership of the Commissioner of the Department, who is appointed by the Governor of the State of Iowa.
The Commissioner's Office houses the Executive Officer to the Commissioner, Executive Secretary, Legal Counsel, and Legislative Liaison. It oversees six bureaus:
- Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau
- Governor's School Safety Bureau
- Professional Standards Bureau
- Office of Drug Control Policy
- Interoperable Communications Bureau
- Strategic Communications Bureau
DPS consists of seven divisions:
- Iowa State Patrol
- State Fire Marshal Division
- Division of Criminal Investigation
- Division of Narcotics Enforcement
- Division of Intelligence & Fusion Center
- Division of Professional Development & Support Services
- Administrative Services Division