Only Nonresident Professional Permit applications, Professional Educator Permit applications, and Professional Permit applications for a state employee whose need to be armed is employment based, should be filed with the Iowa Department of Public Safety. All other permit applications should be filed with the sheriff’s office in the applicant's county of residence.

  • Application for Permit to Carry Weapons - Form WP5. For use on or after June 1, 2024. Applications must be filed with the sheriff of the county of residence (except applications for a Nonresident Professional Permit and applications for a Professional Permit for a state employee whose need to go armed is employment based, which are filed with the Iowa Department of Public Safety).
  • Application for Permit to Acquire Pistol/Revolvers - Form WP3 (Iowa Residents Only). For use on or after September 1, 2017. Applications must be filed with the sheriff of the county of residence.
  • Application for Educator Permit to Carry Weapons - Form WP13. For use on or after July 1, 2024. Application must be filed with the Iowa Department of Public Safety.